Books, Works & Articles
LATER LIFE 1966-1989
Perspectives and Proposals (based on three talks delivered to a small audience in London, August 1963), mimeographed, Facing Reality, Detroit, 1966.
“Dr Williams’s Trinidad: An attack”, in Venture (monthly magazine of Fabian Society), January 1966.
“The Rise and Fall of Nkrumah”, in Daily Mirror, Port of Spain, 28 February and 2/3/4 March 1966; reprinted in Speak Out, no. 4, Detroit, March 1966, and in Rendezvous.
“First Test at Old Trafford”, The Vanguard, 10 June, 1966.
Cricket Articles in Sunday Guardian, Trinidad, 1966: “Long may Windies flourish”,* 26 June; “After that Nottingham defeat, England must find 12 new players to battle WI”,*
10 July; “A question of cricket approach. . .“,* 14 August; “why Windies fade in the end,* 28 August; “Two cricketing societies”,* 4 September; “Sobers—a man who fits into the expanded technicalities of his age”, 11 September; “From the spectators came Sobers”, 18 September. (* reprinted in Cricket.)
Articles from The World of Cricket, edited by E.W. Swanton (Michael Joseph, London): “Australia v. West Indies”; “West Indies;* biographies of Challenor, Goddard, Gomez, Hall, Headley, Kanhai, Ramadhin, Smith, Sobers, Stollmeyer, Valentine, Walcott, Weekes, Worrell. (* reprinted in Cricket.)
“Kanhai: a study in confidence”, New World, Georgetown, Guyana Independence issue, 1966, reprinted in C.L.R. James Symposium Document no. 4, in Rendezvous, and Cricket.
“Tomorrow and Today: A Vision”, in New World, Guyana Independence Issue, Georgetown, 1966.
“James Baldwin’s attack on Native Son”, in Trinidad Guardian, 23 and 30 October 1966.
“Why Nkrumah Failed”, in Encounter, 1966.
“The argument about Nkrumah—a reply”, Encounter, November 1966.
“Monarchy or Republic?”, Independence Anniversary Magazine, Sunday Guardian, 1966.
Introduction to Wilson Harris’s Tradition and the West Indian Novel, pamphlet based on lecture by Harris at West Indian Students’ Union, London, 15 May 1965; reprinted as an appendix in Wilson Harris’s Tradition, The Writer and Society, New Beacon Books, London, 1967, and in Spheres.
“World Politics Today”, speech at Windsor, Ontario, 14 January 1967; reprinted in Speak Out, no. 10, March 1967.
“Document: C.L.R. James on the Origins” (portion of speech delivered in Detroit, January 1967), in Radical America, vol. II, no. 4, July/August 1968.
Review of King Cricket by Gary Sobers, Cricket Quarterly, 1967, vol. 5, no. 3.
Obituary: Sir Frank Worrell, “The man whose leadership made history”, The Cricketer, vol. 48, 5 May, 1967, reprinted in Cricket.
“George Headley”, in J.Arlott (ed.), Cricket: The Great Ones (Pelham Books, London), 1967, reprinted in Cricket.
Review of James R. Hooker’s Black Revolutionary: George Padmore’s path from Communism to Pan-Africanism, for “Caribbean Magazine” of BBC Caribbean Service, London, 16 August 1967.
“How West Indies cricket was built”, The Cricketer, Winter Annual, vol. 48, no. 12, 1967/68.
“The Gathering Forces”, mimeographed, Facing Reality, Detroit, November 1967.
“Che Guevara”, Speak Out, November, 1967.
“World Revolution: 1968”, Speak Out, June-July 1968;
“The Caribbean Rejection”, address to conference on “Politics, Philosophy and Creative Literature” at Makerere University College, Uganda, 23-25 August 1968.
“Ancient and Modern” (review of The Growth of the Modern West Indies, by G.K. Lewis), New Society, London, 26 September 1968.
“Not Cricket” (on d’Oliveira affair), in Transition, 37, 1968, reprinted in Cricket.
“The Making of the Caribbean Peoples” (lecture to Second Conference on West Indian Affairs in Montreal, Canada, Summer 1966), mimeographed, London, October 1968, 18pp.; reprinted in Radical America James Anthology, May 1970, and in Spheres.
“Black Power: Its Past, Today and the Way Ahead” (text of speech delivered in London, August 1967), mimeographed, Marcus Garvey lnstitute, 1969; reprinted in Spheres.
“African Development”, in Speak Out, vol. II, no. 4, April 1969.
“The West Indian Intellectual”, introductory essay to new edition of J.J.Thomas’s Froudacity, New Beacon, London, 1969.
“Black Studies and the Contemporary Student” (text of a talk), mimeographed, Facing Reality, Detroit, June 1969, 36pp.; edited version in Rendezvous.
“Discovering Literature in Trinidad: The Nineteen Thirties”, in Journal of Commonwealth Literature, no. 7, July 1969, reprinted in Savacou, no.2, September 1970, and in Spheres.
“The State of the Movement: Caribbean, Africa and America”, speech to Africa and American Teachers Association, New York, 7 September 1969.
“On The Vanguard”, Delivered: at a Conference of The Vanguard at the Palms Club, San Fernando, Trinidad, in October 1965; First Published: by The Vanguard on October 11, 1969. It was first acquired in October 1966. The Vanguard is the publication of the Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) of Trinidad
“Driving the ball is a tradition in the West Indies”, The Cricketer, vol. 49, no. 12, reprinted in Cricket.
“Sir Learie Constantine”, in Cricket: The Great All-Rounders, ed. John Arlott, Pelham Books, London, 1969; reprinted in Spheres and Cricket.
“Garfield Sobers”, in Arlott, Cricket…, op. cit., 1969; reprinted in Future and Cricket.
“West Indian Cricketers in County Cricket”, 1960’s, first published in Cricket.
“Sobers and the future”, The Cricketer, Winter, 1969/70 vol. 50, no. 12.
“Walter Hammond: an anniversary tribute”, The Cricketer, 1970, vol. 51, no. 8, reprinted in Cricket.
Introduction to Rowland Bowen’s, Cricket: A History of its Growth and Development throughout the World (Eyre and Spottiswoode, London), 1970, reprinted in Cricket.
“Sir Frank Worrell”, in J.Arlott (ed.), Cricket: The Great Captains (Pelham Books, London), 1970, reprinted in Cricket.
“The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery: Some Interpretations of their Significance in the Development of the United States and the Western World”, in Amistad I, ed. John A. Williams and Charles F. Harris, Vintage Books, New York, 1970; reprinted in Future.
“From Du Bois to Fanon”, (text of a talk), Michigan, 1970, 4pp.
“The Olympia Statues, Picasso’s Guernica and the Frescos of Michelangelo in the Capella Paolina”, lecture prepared for television, 1970; first published in Future.
Review of H. Rap Brown’s Die, Nigger, Die and Julius Lester’s Look out, Whitey! Black Power’s Gon’ Get Your Mama, in New Society, 6 August 1970.
“On Black Power in Trinidad”, Race Today 1970.
“Paul Robeson: Black Star”, Black World no. 1, November, 1970, reprinted in Spheres.
“The Old World and the New”, 70th birthday speech on 4 January 1971 in Ladbroke Grove, London; reprinted in Rendezvous.
“On Paul Robeson”, in Freedomways, 1971.
Letter about George Athan Billias and Gerald N. Grob’s American History, Retrospect and Prospect, to Free Press, New York, 12 March 1971.
“La société contemporaine et les Noirs”, in Partisans, no. 59/60, mai/aout 1971.
“The Way Out: World Revolution”, in Radical America, vol. 5, no. 6, November/December 1971.
“George Jackson”, in Radical America, vol. 5, no. 6, November/December 1971, reprinted in Future.
“Peasants and Workers” (excerpts from unpublished The Gathering Forces, written in 1967 as a draft for document to appear on 50th anniversary of the Russian revolution, sections written in collaboration with Martin Glaberman, William Gorman and George Rawick), in Radical America, vol. 5, no. 6, November/December 1971, reprinted in Spheres.
“Colonialism and National Liberation in Africa: The Gold Coast Revolution”, in Norman Miller and Roderick Aya (eds), National Liberation in the Third World, Free Press, New York, 1971.
Text of lecture at University of Texas, in Kas-Kas: Interviews with Three Caribbean Writers in Texas, ed. Ian Munro and Reinhard Sander, occasional publication of the African and Afro—American Research Institute, University of Texas, Austin, 1972.
“Kwame Nkrumah: Founder of African Emancipation”, in Black World, July 1972, reprinted in Rendezvous.
“George Padmore: The Man and His Work”, and “Sir Frank Worrell, 1924-67”, in publication of Caribbean Conference Committee for symposium “West Indian Nation in Exile”, 6—8 October 1967, Montreal.
“The Man whose Leadership Made History”, obituary of Sir Frank Worrell, in The Vanguard, 24 June 1967.
“The West Indian” (address at Graduation Ceremony at University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados, 1 February 1972), in Bim, vol. 14, No.55, July/December 1972.
“The Middle Classes”, in David Lowenthal and Lambros Comitas, Consequences of Class and Color: West Indian Perspectives, Doubleday, New York, 1973.
“The Commune in 1971”, in Revolution and Reaction: The Paris Commune ¡871, ed. J. Hicks and R. Tucker, 1973.
“Reflections on Pan-Africanism”, Transcript of speech given on November 20, 1973
“African Independence and the myth of African inferiority”, in Education and Black Struggle: Notes from the colonized world, ed. Institute of the Black World, Harvard Education Review Monograph No.2, 1974.
“Black Intellectuals in Britain”, in Bhikhu Parekh, Colour, Class and Consciousness, Allen and Unwin, London, 1974.
“The Role of the 6th Pan-African Congress”, interview, with Julius Nyerere, in Race Today, vol. 6, no. 4, April 1974.
Review of TANU, The Arusha Declaration and TANU, Tanzania: Party Guidelines, in Falling Wall Book Review, No.2, June/July/August 1974.
“TANU, The Arusha Declaration and Party Guidelines”, in Race Today, vol. 6, November 1974.
“Beyond the Boundary”, in Race Today, vol. 7, no. 7, July 1975.
“Not just cricket”, review of Learie Constantine, by Gerald Howat, New Society, vol. 34, no. 689, 18 December 1975, reprinted in Cricket.
“Cricket and Race”, 1975, first published in Cricket.
“The Presence of Blacks in the Caribbean and its impact on our culture”, in Amsterdam News, June/July 1975; reprinted in Rendezvous.
Review of Jean Fouchard’s The Haitian Maroons (included as introduction and critique in Blyden Press edition, 1976), in Black World, November 1975.
“Blacks in the police force?”, letter in Race Today, vol. 8, no. 1, January 1976.
“Towards the Seventh: The Pan-African Congress—Past, Present and Future”, address delivered at First Congress of All African Writers, Dakar, Senegal, 8 January 1976, and at Homecoming, Federal City College, Washington, DC, 19 October 1976; repeated in Ch‘indaba (formerly Transition; ed. Wole Soyinka), 2, July/December 1976, and in pamphlet Not For Sale,. Editorial Consultants, San Francisco, 1976; reprinted in Rendezvous.
“George Padmore: Black Marxist Revolutionary”, talk given in North London, 1976; in Rendezvous.
Review of Alex Haley’s Roots (reprinted from Caribbean Contact), in Race Today, vol. 9, no. 2, London, March/April 1977.
“A view of Africa”, in Race Today, vol. 9, no. 5, London, July/August 1977.
NKRUMAH AND THE GHANA REVOLUTION (referred to before publication as Nkrumah Then and Now; Part I written in 1958, Part II includes “Government and Party”, speech delivered in Accra in July 1960, “1962: Twenty Years After”, letter to Nkrumah dated 21 July 1962, “Slippery Descent”, two articles first published in Trinidad Evening News, February 1964, “Lenin and the Problem” written for Ghanaian political journal in 1964, and “. . . Always out of Africa”, extract from A History of Pan-African Revolt), with introduction, Allison & Busby, London, 1977; revised paperback edition with new preface, 1982, 224 pp.; Lawrence Hill & Co., Westport, Conn., 1977; extracts “Lenin and the Problem” in Radical America James Anthology, May 1970, and “Colonialism and National Liberation in Africa: the Gold Coast Revolution”, in National Liberation, cd. Norman Miller and Roderick Aya, New York, 1971.
THE FUTURE IN THE PRESENT, Selected Writings vol. 1, with biographical introduction, Allison &. Busby, London, 1977, Lawrence Hill, Westport, Conn., 1977, 272pp.; reprinted in new paperback format, 1980.
Review of Paul Robeson Speaks: Writings, Speeches, Interviews 1918-74, in New Society, 8 February 1979.
Review of Wenda Parkinson’s This Gilded African: Toussaint L ‘Ouverture, in New Society, 15 February 1979.
“Whither Trinidad and Tobago?” (based on an interview), in Race Today, vol. 11, no. 4, November/December 1979.
“Australia v. West Indies”, with Tony Crozier, in E.W. Swantun (cd.), Barclays’ World of Cricket (Collins, London), 1980.
“C.L.R. James, September 5th, 1980”, Excerpt from Interviews with Ken Ramchand, Banyan, Trinidad
“West Indies”, with P.D.B. Short, in E.W. Swanton (ed.) Barclays’ World of Cricket (Collins, London), 1980.
Review of Maurice Nyagumbo’s With the People: An autobiography from the Zimbabwe struggle, in New Society, 9 October 1980.
Text of speech at memorial rally for Walter Rodney in Conway Hall, London, 20 October 1980, in Race Today, vol. 12, no. 2, November 1980.
Review of Michael Thelwell’s The Harder They Come, in New Society, 27 November 1980.
Review of Norman Stanley: A biography, in New Society, 11 December, 1980.
SPHERES OF EXISTENCE, Selected Writings vol. 2, with biographical introduction, Allison & Busby, London, 1980, Lawrence Hill, Westport, Conn., 1980, 272pp.
Review of Earl Lovelace’s The Dragon Can’t Dance, in Race Today, vol. 13, December 1980/January 1981.
“How free was free?” (review of Been in the Storm So Long by L.F.Litwack), New Society, 19 February 1981.
‘Feet First” (on Mugabe and the 1980 Zimbabwe vote), in Cultural Correspondence, 12-14, Summer 1981.
Review of Ralph de Boissière’s Crown Jewel, in New Society, 11 June 1981.
“Birth of a Nation”, abridged version in Susan Craig, Contemporary Caribbean (2 vols.), College Press, Maracas, Trinidad and Tobago, 1981, vol. 1.
“Black Women in America: In Fact and in Fiction”, two lectures on the work of Ntozake Shange, Alice Walker and Toni Morrison, at Riverside Studios, London, 29 and 30, August 1981; extract “I’m a Poet” (on Ntozake Shange’s collection Nappy Edges) from first lecture, in Race Today Review, vol. 14, no. 1, December 1981/January 1982.
Review of V.S. Naipaul’s Among the believers: An Islamic journey, in New Society, 22 October 1981.
“After Scarman: An accumulation of blunders”, in New Society, 3 December 1981.
Preface to reprint of George Lamming’s Season of Adventure, Allison & Busby, London, 1982.
“Ignoring History” (on V.S. Naipaul), in Vanguard, 5 March 1982.
Review of Alice Walker’s You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down, in Race Today, vol. 14, no. 3, May/June 1982.
“The nine-year-old leader”, in Race Today, vol. 14, no. 3, May/June 1982; reprinted as “Free for All” (on the British riots), in Cultural Correspondence, Winter 1983.
“Missouri Sharecroppers: The workers who opened the door”, reprinted in Socialist Worker, June 1982.
“Zenith” (review of Alice Walker’s Meridian), in Race Today, vol. 14, no. 4, August/September 1982.
“A majestic innings with few peers: Sandip Patel”, South, September 1982, reprinted in Cricket.
Introduction to Ron Ramdin’s From Chattel Slave to Wage Earner: A History of Trade Unionism in Trinidad and Tobago, Martin Brian & O’Keefe, London, 1982.
“Cricket Notes” column, in Race Today Review, vol. 14, no. 5, January 1983.
“Cricket Notes”, in Race Today, vol. 14, no. 6, March/April 1983.
“Mama Was There”, review of Ntozake Shange’s Sassafrass, Cypress C5 Indigo, in Race Today, vol. 14, no. 6, March/April 1983.
“Cricket Notes: Gower to lead England”, in Race Today, vol. 15, no. 1, May/June 1983, reprinted in Cricket.
“Cricket Notes: Gower & Richards”, in Race Today, vol. 15, no. 2, August/September 1983.
“Cricket Notes: The Captain and his Team—An injustice to Gower”, in Race Today, vol. 15, no. 3, October/November 1983, reprinted in Cricket.
“Address on Poland: Speech at Solidarity Support Rally, November 1981”, in Cultural Correspondence, new series 2 (ed. Jim Murray and Susan McCarn), Winter 1983, reprinted in Rendezvous.
“C.L.R. James at Black Ink: A talk on Toni Morrison, Alice Walker and Ntozake Shange”, in Cultural Correspondence, Winter 1983, reprinted in Rendezvous.
Review of Adolfo Gilly’s The Mexican Revolution, in Third World Book Review, pilot issue, November 1983.
“Walter Rodney and the Question of Power” (delivered at memorial symposium “Walter Rodney, Revolutionary & Scholar: A Tribute”, University of California, Los Angeles, 30 January 1981), Race Today Publications, London, 1983, l6pp.
80th BIRTHDAY LECTURES (text of three public lectures, on “Socialism or Barbarism”,
“Britain and America: Two English-Speaking Democracies” and “Immigrants to Britain: Formerly Colonial Peoples”, delivered at Princeton College, London, 6/9/12
January 1981), Race Today Publications, London, 1983.
“Some observations on George Lamming”, in South, January 1984.
“Reminiscences” (review of Everything Under the Sun, by Jeffrey Stollmeyer), Race Today Review, January 1984.
“Caribbean Views from the Top” (review of Everything Under the Sun, by Jeffrey Stollmeyer), The Guardian, 6 January 1984.
“A princely gift to England’s game”, South, July 1984.
Foreword to Apartheid: The story of a dispossessed people, by Motsoko Pheto, Moram Books, London 1984.
Preface and introduction to new edition of Mariners, Renegades and Castaways, Allison and Busby, London 1984.
Review of Ranji, Prince of Cricketers, by Alan Ross, South, London, July 1984.
“The Grenadian Revolution: from self-defence to self-destruction”, Communist Affairs, July 1984.
Review of As I Said At the Time, by E.W. Swanton, Race Today, July/August 1984.
“West Indies cricket team in England 1984”, Sunday Tribune, August 1984.
“It’s still cricket, lovely cricket”, The Times, 26 September 1984.
“MacGregor”, Journal of the Cricket Society, vol. 12, no. 1, September 1984, reprinted in Cricket.
“West Indies v. England”, Race Today, vol. 16, no. 2, October/November 1984, reprinted in Cricket.
“A United Caribbean”, (review of Grenada: Revolution, Invasion and Aftermath by Hugh O’Shaughnessy and Grenada: Revolution and Invasion by Anthony Payne, Paul Sutton and Tony Thorndike), London Review of Books, September 1984, vol. 6 no. 16.
“Personal reflections on centenary of publication of Huckleberry Finn”, New York Times, September 1984.
“Africans and Afro-Caribbeans: a personal view”, Ten:8, November 1984, issue 16.
“Pot a Greens” (review of A Daughter’s Geography, by Ntozake Shange), Race Today, December 1984.
AT THE RENDEZVOUS OF VICTORY, Selected Writings vol. 3, with biographical introduction and bibliography, Allison & Busby, London, 1984, 3ZOpp.
“The decline of English cricket”, Race Today Review, January 1985, reprinted in Cricket.
“Paul Robeson” (review of London exhibition), Race Today, May/June 1985.
“Caution in Comparisons”, Race Today, May/June 1985.
“Botham still hitting sixes”, Race Today, vol. 16, no. 5, August/September 1985, reprinted in Cricket.
“Botham and Gower”, Race Today, July 1986.
“Fully and absolutely assured”, new introduction for reissue of State Capitalism and World Revolution, Charles H. Kerr, Illinois, 1986.
“Thoughts of CLR James”, Trinidad Guardian, December 1986
“My First Cricketing XI”, New Community, autumn 1986, Vol XIII, no. 2.
CRICKET, edited by Anna Grimshaw, Allison and Busby, London 1986, 3l9pp.
“Anyone for Cricket”, Southside, January 1987.
“The Politics of Emancipation”, Capital Issues, August 1987.
“Garvey in Retrospect”, Capital Issues, August 1987.
Foreword to An Introduction to the Philosophy of Marxism by R.S. Baghavan, Socialist Platform, London, 1987.
“C.L.R. James and British Trotskyism: an interview”, Socialist Platform, pamphlet, London 1987.
Foreword to Caribbean Reflections: The Life and Times of a Trinidadian Scholar(1901-1986), an oral history narrated by William Besson, edited and introduced by Jean Besson, Karia Press, London 1989.