“The Meaning of Philosophy”, in The Royalian, magazine of Queen’s Royal College, Port of Spain, 1920s.
“La Divina Pastora”, in Saturday Review, 15 October 1927; reprinted in Best Short Stories, ed. E.J. O’Brien, London, 1928, in Stories from the Caribbean, ed. Andrew Salkey, London, 1965, in West Indian Narrative, ed. Kenneth Ramchand, Nelson, London, 1966, in Caribbean Prose, and in Spheres.
“Triumph”, in Trinidad, vol. 1, no. 1, Christmas 1929; reprinted in Island Voices, Liveright, New York, 1930, in Salkey, Stories from the Caribbean, op. cit. 1965, in R.W. Sander (ed) From Trinidad: an Anthology of Early West Indian Writing, London, 1978, and in Future.